Jigs & Fixtures
Sanding Block
Some scrap wood and a few simple steps are all it takes to build this basic, must-have shop tool.
Multipurpose Auxiliary Vise
Raise your work to a new level. Made with traditional details and materials, this handy vise is a rugged companion to your workbench.
Dust-Free Blade Cover
Stop table saw dust in its tracks. All it takes is a weekend, some hardware, and an ordinary shop vacuum crevice tool.
Woodworking Drill Press Table
An adjustable fence, versatile clamping options, and a built-in dust collection system make this table a great upgrade.
Table Saw Miter Sled
Miter joints don't have to be a trial-and-error chore. With this miter sled, you can cut perfect joints every time.
Shop-Made Threading Jig & Canisters
In the pursuit of making a set of perfectly matched internal and external wood threads, this efficient and flexible jig delivers the goods.
Sliding Hold-Down
Cutting narrow or thin stock can be a challenge.This clever jig makes it easier and safer.
Shop-Made Miter Vise
With this rugged miter vise, clamping perfect gap-free miters is a snap.
Router Carving Jig
You can make a variety of beautiful, wooden bowls from the scraps you have laying around using our router carving jig.
Multi-Purpose Sharpening Station
Upgrade your standard bench grinder into a sharpening workhorse. You’ll never have an excuse for using a dull tool again.
Benchtop Miter Saw Fence
This no-fuss fence system makes getting accurate cuts with your miter saw as easy as 1-2-3.
Shop-Made Beam Compass
Aluminum and figured wood come together in this practical layout tool you can build in a weekend.