Woodsmith Woodworking Plans
Woodsmith Plans has hundreds of the best DIY woodworking project plans from Woodsmith, ShopNotes and Workbench magazines, all for immediate download. You will find furniture plans for every room in your home, plans for workbenches and shop storage, shop-made tools, easy-to-build gifts.

Editor's Picks
Maybe the Best Table Saw Sled Ever?
Accurate and chip-free crosscuts, plus a versatile fence make this a must-have for your table saw. The lightweight sled design makes cutting large workpieces on the table saw a snap, and the rock-solid fence ensures square cuts every time — with easy to adjust controls to make setup quick and simple.
Popular All Time
Precision Crosscut Sled
Accurate and chip-free crosscuts plus a versatile fence make this a must-have for your table saw.
Router Dado Jig
With this shop-made jig, you'll be routing dadoes and grooves that fit perfectly. Plus, it features a handy, built-in clamp that makes setup a snap.
CNC Router
Turn your woodworking shop into a machining, cutting, carving, and milling powerhouse with our shop-made, CNC machine.
Drill Press Storage Cart
This shop project rolls underneath a drill press table, turning this unused space into a storage center for drill bits, accessories, and more. Plus, there are built-in arms for supporting long pieces.
Micro-Adjust Router Fence
Upgrade your router table with a compact fence design that’s easy to micro-adjust and includes dust collection.
Roll-Around Lumber Cart
Need a better way to store lumber? This easy-to-build cart has space for plywood, long boards, and all of your cutoffs too.
Popular Last 30 Days
Precision Crosscut Sled
Accurate and chip-free crosscuts plus a versatile fence make this a must-have for your table saw.
Adjustable Box Joint Jig
Perfect box joints every time? With this fully adjustable table saw jig, now it’s possible.
Roll-Around Lumber Cart
Need a better way to store lumber? This easy-to-build cart has space for plywood, long boards, and all of your cutoffs too.
Router Jig: Router Lift
Maximize the performance of your router table with this must-have, precision upgrade.
Double-Duty Planer Sled
Salvage your warped boards with this no-fuss planer sled.
Clever Puzzle Boxes
Your own ingenuity is the key to creating and opening these attractive boxes.
Recently Added
Mobile Planer Cart
Take your milling to a new level. This cart creates a workstation for organizing parts while planing.
Craftsman Chest
The next project in our Craftsman line of bedroom projects, this chest features solid-wood construction, rugged joinery, and bold lines.
A Routed Box
Bringing a router to the lathe is a great way to add a unique look to your turning projects.
Arts & Crafts Side Table
Take a trip down one of the less-traveled roads in Arts & Crafts design. This little gem of a side table offers lessons in pattern routing and seamless joinery.
CNC Router 2.0
Our shop-made CNC router gets a new look with expanded capacity and a vertical work-holding feature.
Sliding-Door Sideboard
Don’t let the book-matched veneer on the doors of this sliding sideboard fool you. The solid wood case is built with simple techniques that make this project approachable for almost everyone.