Download our router table and hand-held router jig plans and get started building with our step-by-step instruction today. A router is an essential tool for any woodworking shop, and a router table or jig can make it a safer and more efficient tool. Router tables are available in many configurations, from simple benchtop tables to complete, stand-alone workstations that include storage and dust collection systems. A router is an essential tool for any woodworking shop, and a router table can make it a safer and more efficient tool.
Working Class Router Table
Mobile Router Table
CNC Router 2.0
Our shop-made CNC router gets a new look with expanded capacity and a vertical work-holding feature.
Shop-Made Loose Tenon Jig
Here’s a compact jig that simplifies the process of making mortises with a palm router.
Just-Right Router Table
This not-so-big shop machine has everything you need to tackle all your routing tasks and looks great too!
Router Cabinet
Not only does this project organize your router gear, it also provides a drop-down workspace. Plus, the construction keeps it approachable enough to build in a weekend.
Micro-Adjust Router Fence
Upgrade your router table with a compact fence design that’s easy to micro-adjust and includes dust collection.
Table Saw/Router Table Cart
You'll get big results in a small package with this handy workstation. It turns your portable table saw and router into hard-working "stationary" tools.
CNC Router
Turn your woodworking shop into a machining, cutting, carving, and milling powerhouse with our shop-made, CNC machine.
Mortising Machine
Rout precision mortises in less than a minute with this simple, shop-built machine.
Shop-Made Pin Router
With a hand-held router and this jig, you can rout a wide variety of decorative designs in your projects. A metal pin and a shop-made template guide the workpiece while you rout the design.
Shop-Built Router Jointer
We'll show you how to build a unique benchtop accessory that converts a common router and a flush trim bit to a powerful jointer tool.