Download our router table and hand-held router jig plans and get started building with our step-by-step instruction today. A router is an essential tool for any woodworking shop, and a router table or jig can make it a safer and more efficient tool. Router tables are available in many configurations, from simple benchtop tables to complete, stand-alone workstations that include storage and dust collection systems. A router is an essential tool for any woodworking shop, and a router table can make it a safer and more efficient tool.
Router Dado Jig
With this shop-made jig, you'll be routing dadoes and grooves that fit perfectly. Plus, it features a handy, built-in clamp that makes setup a snap.
Modular Router Table
This router table serves double duty. It can be a benchtop router table, or a stand-alone router station.
Quick & Easy Router Table
This simple router table will get you started woodworking quickly, but later you can add a few options for even more capabilities!
Auxiliary Router Bases
A handheld router is an incredibly adaptive tool. Increase that versatility by building this trio of accessories to get even more out of yours.
Router Table Storage Cabinet
Fill the unused space under your router table with a storage cabinet for all of your router bits and accessories.
Router Carving Jig
You can make a variety of beautiful, wooden bowls from the scraps you have laying around using our router carving jig.
Dovetailed Router Bit Cabinet
Dovetail keys at the corners reinforce the joints to make a stronger cabinet. Plus, a clear plastic door panel lets you see what’s inside.
Adjustable Dado Jig
You can rout a tight-fitting dado joint in no time with this simple jig.
Dovetail Keys
Small wood "keys" create the traditional look of a dovetail joint -- without all the work. Plus, they add strength to the mitered corners of a box.
Hinge Mortising Jig
Routing a perfect mortise for a hinge can be a challenge, but this jig makes it a snap by using the hinge to set it up.
Router Bit Storage Center
To keep your collection of accessories and router bits front and center, all you need is this simple wall rack.
Top Ten Router Table Accessories
Get the most our of your router table. Here are our favorite accessories to do it right.