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Dovetail Jig
Build a your dovetail jig to make strong, timeless drawer joinery.
Candle Lantern
Whether out on the deck or inside on a table, these lanterns make a bright addition to your home. And you can build them in just a weekend.
Miter Plane
This traditional hand plane style blends stunning looks with glass smooth surfaces. Combine metalworking with some woodworking and you have one amazing tool.
Band Saw Boxes
These three boxes will take your band saw skills to new heights. Each one starts as a single blank and all the parts are revealed in a unique sequence of cuts.
Craftsman Nightstand
Taking cues from an earlier dresser, this project puts storage and quartersawn white oak front and center.
Piecrust Table
Here’s a woodworking tour de force in a compact package. This beautiful table incorporates turning, carving, dovetails, and more. The result is an eye-catching showpiece.
Horizontal Mortising Machine
Turn your router into a horizontal mortiser. Sliding tables, easy-to-adjust stops, and excellent dust collection round out this budget friendly, precision shop-made tool.
Sandpaper Sharpening
Sharp tools get the job done quicker and safer, but you don't need a lot of expensive stones and accessories to get the job done.
Slant-Front Bookcase
Form and function stand side by side in this bookcase-on-stand. Its compact size works in most every room.
Roll-Around Clamp Cart
Keep clamps and glue-up supplies handy with this roll-around cart. Custom-made hangers hold different types of clamps securely yet still provide quick, easy access.
Trellis with a Twist
Curved copper climbing supports and solid cedar construction . . . together they’re the perfect pair to create an all-in-one planter and trellis.
Table Saw Makeover
A smooth, clean surface on your table saw is more than just cosmetic, it’s a key factor in better cuts.